Members $149 Non-members $349
2025 IFA Convention was franchising's biggest event for business development and personal growth. Whether you missed us in Las Vegas this year or want to rewatch a session, there is content available for everyone.
This course includes the Specialty Sessions Track sessions. Search the catalog to find the Multi-Track Combo which includes all track sessions except the Annual Leadership Conference, Immersive Workshops, Super Sessions and General Sessions Tracks.
Sessions Included:
Prepare for Growth: Get Your Veteran-Friendly Foundation in Place
Moderator: Justin Ghadery, Chief Operating Officer, EverSmith Brands
Speakers: Rich Henderson, President/CEO, Jani-King of Augusta, GA; Tom Kasbohm, CFE, Director, Franchise Systems, Snap-on Tools Company, LLC; Adam Biedenbender, Vice President of Franchise Business Development, Certapro; Mike Henderson, Vice President of Operations, Neighborly
Unintended Consequences: Shifting State Labor Laws are Poised to Disrupt Small Businesses
Moderator & Speaker: Jeff Hanscom, SVP, State & Local Government Relations, IFA
Speakers: Len MacPhee, Shareholder, Polsinelli; Cheryl Stanton, Chief Legal and Government Affairs Officer, Brightstar Care
Broker Summit: Certification and the Outlook for Brokers?
Moderator & Speaker: Sarah Davies, VP, Government Relations and General Counsel, Executive Director of The Law Center, IFA
Speakers: Matt Oskey; Michael Mudd, Vice President, BrandOne Franchise Development LLC; Glee McAnanly, President & CEO, FirstLight Home Care
Members $149 Non-members $349
Estimated completion time: 3 hours
Course access length: 1 year upon enrollment
Awards 3 CFE IFA LIVE credits upon completion