Members $399 Non-members $599
2025 IFA Convention was franchising's biggest event for business development and personal growth. Whether you missed us in Las Vegas this year or want to rewatch a session, there is content available for everyone.
This course includes the Super Sessions Track sessions. Search the catalog to find the Multi-Track Combo which includes all track sessions except the Annual Leadership Conference, Immersive Workshops, Super Sessions and General Sessions Tracks.
Sessions Included:
The Leadership Leverage: Do What is Yours to Do
Speaker: Monica Rothgery, US Army Veteran & Former COO, KFC US
Franchisee Succession Planning
Speakers: Indi Nandhra, Multi-unit Franchisee, Mathnasium; Robin Gagnon, CFE, Founder, We Sell Restaurants; Todd Houghton, President, Homewatch CareGivers; Al Rodriguez, Franchisee, Sport Clips of Western PA; Tracy Panase, CEO, Just Between Friends
Members $399 Non-members $599
Estimated completion time: 4 hours
Course access length: 1 year upon enrollment
Awards 4 CFE IFA LIVE credits upon completion